ISMMS-Spain 2025

  Scientific Committee

Susane Rodrigues de Oliveira

University of Brasilia

Historian and Associate Professor of Theory and Methodology of History Teaching in the Department of History at the University of Brasília (UnB). She holds a BA in History (1997) from the Centro de Ensino Unificado de Brasília. She holds a master's degree (2001) and a PhD (2006) in History from UnB. She did postdoctoral research at the Graduate Program in History at Unicamp (2018) and at the Institute for Feminist Research at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain, 2018-2019). She taught American History and History of Education in public schools in Mexico City between 2002 and 2009. Between 2013 and 2016, she was editor-in-chief of the journal história, histórias of the Graduate Programme in History at UnB. She is one of the coordinators of the UnB History Teaching Laboratory (LABEH). She also works as a lecturer/advisor in the Graduate Programme in History at UnB, in the research line Cultural History, Memories and Identities. She directs the research group "Histories of the possible, dissident histories: representations, subjectivation and resistance", which involves undergraduate, master's and doctoral students in History at the UnB. Her most recent research focuses on gender, violence against women and the teaching of possible histories, analysing the modes and processes of subjectivation that circulate in school historical narratives. Her main topics are: modes and processes of production of subjectivities; history teaching (curricula, pedagogical knowledge, textbooks and learning); anti-racist and anti-sexist education; women's and gender history; intersectionalities; masculinities; feminist theories; decolonial thought; indigenous history; colonial chronicles; pre-Columbian and colonial America. She is the author of "Por uma História do Possível: Representações das Mulheres Incas nas Crônicas e na Historiografia", published by Paco Editorial in 2012. She is co-organiser of the collections Mujeres y violencia: Interseccionalidades (2017), Informes, análisis y acciones para combatir la violencia contra las mujeres (2017) and Género, subjetivación y perspectivas feministas (2019).

03/06/2025 Countdown to the Biennial

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