ISMMS-Spain 2025

  Scientific Committee

Silvia Martínez García

Autonomous University of Barcelona

Professor Serra Húnter Fellow in the the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Dr. Silvia Martínez has given classes in several different universities in France, Portugal, Austria, and the USA. During the 2017-2018 year, she has been employed by the Kunstuniversität Graz (Austria) to give a weekly Seminar in Ethnomusicology: "Gender Studies and Popular Music: an Ethnomusicological Approach". In 2019 and 2021 she was invited to teach Master courses in the Music Faculty of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), as well as joint the Master and PhD Programm in Ethnomusicology. Her research activity has featured in more than fifty publications, including books, articles, and contributions to collections of writings. Among these; Studies in Spanish Popular Music (Routledge 2013); contributions to The Singer-Songwriter in Europe, edited by Isabelle Marc and Stuart Green (Ashgate 2016); Mediterranean Mosaic: Popular Music and Global Sounds (Routledge 2003), edited by Goffredo Plastino; and to Recent Trends and New Directions in Ethnomusicology (Shaker 2019) edited by Gerd Grupe. The most recent articles (2020, 2022) include original fieldwork research in folk and popular musics from Spain with a deep gender perspective published in top journals as Transcultural Music Review (Scopus Emerging Sources) and Popular Music & Society (Q1 Scopus). Some internationally-distributed publications have resulted from her work in groups and global networks, such as the Study Group of ICTM “Mutipart Music” (coordinated by Dr. Ardian Ahmedaja of the Universität MdK Wien) and the European Popular Musics Research Group (coordinated by Dr Stuart Green, University of Leeds): outstanding among these is the aformentioned participation in the 2016 collective work on singer-songwriters, as well as several contributions to releases as part of the European Voices series (Böhlau Verlag Wien 2005, 2008, 2011). She is the  co-editor, among others, of the books Approaches to African Music, coedited with Dr. Enrique Cámara (University of Valladolid, 2006) and Voces e imágenes de la etnomusicología actual, coedited with Dr. Josep Martí (Ministry of Culture, 2004); and, as author, the single-subject work Enganxats al heavy. Cultura, música i transgresió (Pagès 1999). Furthermore, the results of her work have been presented at more than 40 conferences, most of them of international scope. Among the scientific societies she actively works with the International Council for Traditional Music, the International Association for the Study of Popular Music, and the European Seminar of Ethnomusicology. In addition to research and teaching, she has a wide-ranging experience in organisation and management. She was founding a Spanish branch of the International Association for the Study of Popular Musical, and led as President from its origins in 1997 until handing on the post in 2003. Later, from 2006 to 2010, she was President of the SIBE-Sociedad de Etnomusicología.


03/06/2025 Countdown to the Biennial

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