ISMMS-Spain 2025

  Scientific Committee

Rafael Liñán Vallecillos

University of Granada

PhD in Composition and Master of Arts from the University of California (UCSD). Professor of Guitar at the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid. Composer in residence and pedagogue of the Orquesta y Coro Nacionales de España, since 2013. Professor of the Master in Musical Heritage of the UNIA and of the Master "Visual Arts and Education" of the University of Granada. Between 2004 and 2010 he was professor of "Electroacoustic Composition and Composition for Audiovisual Media" at the Royal Conservatory of Music of Granada, he has given courses and lectures at the Universities of California, Granada, Alcalá de Henares, Seville, Málaga, UNIA and at the UNED, for which he has produced several series of radio programmes and audiovisual productions. He has been invited to participate in conferences such as June in Buffalo (State University of New York, SUNY), the International Forum of New Music (Mexico), the Congress on New Technologies of the European Centre of Delphi (Greece), Arts Based Research and CiCreArt (Granada), and "Senderos para el 2000" (Madrid). He has composed more than one hundred musical works for a wide range of instrumental and vocal ensembles and has collaborated in numerous theatre, dance, television, video and radio productions. His works have been performed and recorded in Europe and America by performers such as the Orquesta Filarmónica de Málaga, Coro Nacional de España, SONOR (California), Spanish Brass "Luur Metalls", Tiroler Ensemble für Neue Musik, Pauline Oliveros, Steven Schick, Robert Black, Bertram Turetzky, Keith Humble, Grupo Círculo, Grupo Cosmos, etc. His writings include Socio-psychological aspects of reputation (University of California, 1992) and Cultivating the ludic (doctoral dissertation: UMI, 1996, U.S.A.). He is the creator and presenter of educational concerts, of which he has given more than a thousand performances. Together with NeoArs Ensemble, he won the Best Educational Concert Award of the Spanish Festivals Association FestClásica 2013. Between 2000 and 2005, he was director of the "Conciertos Participativos" of the Centro Cultural y Archivo Manuel de Falla in Granada, and from 1995 to 1999 he was co-director of the educational concerts of the Madrid City Council. He has made three tours of the Circuito Abecedaria: "Puentes", "Casas, casos, cosas" and "Las memorias de Sicamú". 

03/06/2025 Countdown to the Biennial

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