ISMMS-Spain 2025

The Conference

New Metal Worlds
Building Bridges and Mending Broken Backs

Since its origins, we have witnessed profound changes and transformations in metal music and cultures. The sonority, the themes of concern, the instrumentation and even the forms of artistic activism have been modified over time. In this sense, the ISMMS-2025 Biennial focuses its interest on the bridges and transits that herald a crossover to the new emerging metal worlds.

Therefore, the ISMMS-2025 Biennial is proposed as an incentive space for the exchange of ideas, dialogue and critical reflection on the borders, crossings, interstices and relational, inter and transdisciplinary, epistemological, methodological, pedagogical, social, cultural and artistic spirals between the different agents and territories within metal studies.

03/06/2025 Countdown to the Biennial

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