ISMMS-Spain 2025

  Scientific Committee

Carlos Arenas

University of Valencia

Dr. Arenas holds a PhD in Art History (Universitat de València, 2005). He has been teaching at the Universitat Politécnica de València and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Since 2010 he has been teaching History of Art and History of Cinema at the Universitat de València. As a curator he is responsible for several international exhibitions dedicated to HR Giger (Valencia 2007; San Sebastian 2009; Gruyerés 2017; Nantes 2017, Mexico City 2019; Barcelona 2021; Tabasco 2022), José Hernández (Valencia, Madrid 2016; Denia 2022; Alcoi, Villena 2023), Joan Castejón (Valencia 2017; Denia 2022), film design (Valencia 2009) and Fantastic Art (Valencia and Alicante 2013; San Sebastian 2014; Tabasco 2023). In addition to conferences and lectures on art, film and avant-garde art, he has published numerous articles in specialised magazines and exhibition catalogues related to art and fantastic cinema. As a scriptwriter he has worked in television (Culto Cinemascope, Rolling Stone Colombia 2021) and film (Bayne Studios, New York, 2023).

03/06/2025 Countdown to the Biennial

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